A Home Buyers Guide to The Edmonton Schooling System and Ratings

A Home Buyers Guide to The Edmonton Schooling System and Ratings

Choosing the right school is one of the most important decisions you will make for your child. It is important to select a school that not only has high academic standards but also offers a supportive and nurturing environment. This blog post will provide an overview of the Edmonton schooling system and the top 50 rated schools in the city.

Edmonton is home to a variety of schools, both public and private. With 227 public schools and 39 private schools, there's something for everyone. In addition, there are 104 Separate (Catholic) schools in the city. Whether you're looking for a traditional education or something more unique, you're sure to find the perfect school for your needs. With so many options available, it's no wonder why Edmonton is such a great place to live and learn.

Schools are managed by school boards and there are 449 schools in Edmonton and eight different school boards (Authorities). 

School Board Types in Alberta and the Number of Schools under Each in Edmonton

School BoardNumber of Schools
Federal First Nations 1
Charter 5
Francophone 20
ECS Private Operator 25
Provincial 28
Private School 39
Separate 104
Public 227

The Public School Board

A Public Board is a locally elected body that has the responsibility for the operation and governance of public schools within its boundaries. As the governing authority, each Board must comply with all legislation related to public education, including the Education Act of Alberta and regulations set by the Minister of Education. Each Board is required to develop and implement policies that reflect the unique needs and interests of its community. In addition, Boards are responsible for hiring school administrators and teachers, as well as maintaining school facilities. 

In Edmonton, there are 227 public schools managed by The Edmonton School Division and The Pembina Hills School Division boards.

A list of Public Schools in Edmonton

School NameSchool WebsiteTeaches
A. Blair McPherson School NA EJ
Abbott School http://abbott.epsb.ca E
Alberta School for the Deaf http://asd.epsb.ca EJS
Aldergrove School NA E
Aleda Patterson School NA E
Alex Janvier School NA EJ
Allendale School http://allendale.epsb.ca J
Amiskwaciy Academy http://amiskwaciy.epsb.net SJ
Argyll Home School Centre http://argyll.epsb.ca EJS
Aspen Program NA EJS
Athlone School NA E
Avalon Junior School http://www.avalon.com J
Avonmore School http://avonmore.epsb.ca E
Balwin School http://balwin.epsb.ca EJ
Bannerman School http://bannerman.epsb.ca E
Baturyn School http://baturyn.epsb.ca E
Beacon Heights School http://beaconheights.epsb.ca E
Belgravia School http://belgravia.epsb.ca E
Belmead School http://belmead.epsb.ca E
Belmont School http://belmont.epsb.ca E
Belvedere School NA E
Bessie Nichols School NA EJ
Bisset School http://bisset.epsb.ca E
Braemar School http://braemar.epsb.ca S
Brander Gardens School http://brandergardens.epsb.ca E
Brightview School http://brightview.epsb.ca E
Britannia School http://britannia.epsb.ca J
Brookside School http://brookside.epsb.ca E
Caernarvon School http://caernarvon.epsb.ca E
Calder School NA E
Callingwood Elementary School http://callingwood.epsb.ca E
Centennial School http://centennial.epsb.ca E
Centre High http://centrehigh.epsb.ca S
Clara Tyner School http://claratyner.epsb.ca E
Constable Daniel Woodall School http://constabledanielwoodall.epsb.ca E
Coronation School http://grandview.epsb.ca E
Crawford Plains School http://crawford.epsb.ca E
Crestwood School http://crestwood.epsb.ca EJ
D S MacKenzie School http://dsmackenzie.epsb.ca J
Daly Grove School http://dalygrove.epsb.ca E
David Thomas King School http://davidthomasking.epsb.ca EJ
Delton School http://delton.epsb.ca E
Delwood School http://delwood.epsb.ca E
Dickinsfield School http://dickinsfield.epsb.ca J
Donald R. Getty School http://donaldrgetty.epsb.ca EJ
Donnan School http://donnan.epsb.net E
Dovercourt School http://dovercourt.epsb.ca E
Dr. Anne Anderson School NA S
Dr. Donald Massey School NA EJ
Dr. Lila Fahlman School http://lilafahlman.epsb.ca EJ
Dr. Margaret-Ann Armour School NA EJ
Duggan School http://duggan.epsb.ca E
Dunluce School http://dunluce.epsb.ca E
Earl Buxton School http://earlbuxton.epsb.ca E
Eastglen School http://eastglen.epsb.ca S
Edith Rogers School http://edithrogers.epsb.ca SJ
Edmonton Christian High School http://edmchristian.net S
Edmonton Christian Northeast School http://edmchristian.net EJ
Edmonton Christian West School http://edmchristian.net EJ
Ekota School http://ekota.epsb.ca E
Elizabeth Finch School NA EJ
Ellerslie Campus http://ellerslie.epsb.ca EJ
Elmwood School http://elmwood.epsb.ca E
Esther Starkman School NA EJ
Evansdale School http://evansdale.epsb.ca E
Florence Hallock School NA EJ
Forest Heights School http://forestheights.epsb.ca E
Fraser School http://fraser.epsb.ca E
Garneau School http://garneau.epsb.ca E
Garth Worthington School NA EJ
George H Luck School http://gluck@epsb.ca E
George P. Nicholson School http://georgepnicholson.epsb.ca E
Glengarry School http://glengarry.epsb.ca E
Glenora School http://glenora.epsb.ca E
Gold Bar School NA E
Grace Martin School http://gmartin.epsb.ca E
Grandview Heights School http://grandview.epsb.ca EJS
Greenfield School http://greenfield.epsb.ca E
Greenview School http://greenview.epsb.ca EJ
Grovenor School http://grovenor@epsb.ca E
Hardisty School http://hardisty.epsb.ca EJ
Harry Ainlay School http://ainlay.ca S
Hazeldean School http://hazeldean.epsb.ca E
Highlands School http://highlands-school.ca EJ
Hillcrest School http://hillcrest.epsb.ca J
Hillview School http://hillview.epsb.ca E
Hilwie Hamdon School http://hilwiehamdon.epsb.ca EJ
Holyrood School http://holyrood.epsb.ca E
Homesteader School http://homesteader.epsb.ca E
Horse Hill School http://horsehill.epsb.ca E
Hospital School Campuses NA EJS
Inglewood School http://inglewood.epsb.ca E
Institutional Services Schools NA EJS
Ivor Dent School http://ivordent.epsb.ca EJ
J A Fife School http://jafife.epsb.ca E
J Percy Page School http://jpercypage.com SJ
Jackson Heights Elementary http://jacksonheights@epsb.ca E
James Gibbons School http://jgibbons.epsb.ca E
Jan Reimer School http://janreimer.epsb.ca EJ
Jasper Place School http://jasperplace.ca S
Joey Moss School NA Other
John A. McDougall School http://johnamcdougall.epsb.ca E
John Barnett School NA E
John D Bracco School http://jdbracco.epsb.ca J
Johnny Bright School NA EJ
Julia Kiniski School http://juliakiniski.epsb.ca E
Kameyosek School http://kameyosek.epsb.ca E
Kate Chegwin School http://katechegwin.epsb.ca J
Keheewin School http://keheewin.epsb.ca E
Kenilworth School http://kenilworth.epsb.ca J
Kensington School http://kensington.epsb.ca EJ
Kildare School http://kildare.epsb.ca E
Killarney School http://killarney.epsb.ca J
Kim Hung School http://kimhung.epsb.ca EJ
King Edward School http://kingedward.epsb.ca E
Kirkness School http://kirkness.epsb.ca E
kis<90>w<89>tisiwin School http://danknott.epsb.ca J
L Y Cairns School http://lycairns.epsb.ca SJ
Lago Lindo School NA E
Lansdowne School http://lansdowne.epsb.ca E
LaPerle School http://laperle.epsb.ca E
Lauderdale School http://lauderdale.epsb.ca E
Laurier Heights School http://laurierheights.ca EJ
Learning Store at Blue Quill http://outreach.epsb.ca SJ
Learning Store at Circle Square http://outreach.epsb.ca S
Learning Store at Londonderry http://outreach.epsb.ca S
Learning Store on Whyte http://outreach.epsb.ca S
Learning Store West Edmonton http://outreach.epsb.ca S
Lee Ridge School http://leeridge.epsb.ca E
Lendrum School http://lendrum.epsb.ca E
Lillian Osborne High School http://lillianosborne.epsb.ca S
Londonderry School http://londonderry.epsb.ca J
Lorelei School http://lorelei.epsb.ca E
Lymburn School http://lymburn.epsb.ca E
Lynnwood School http://lynnwood.epsb.ca E
M. E. LaZerte School http://www.melazerte.com SJ
Major General Griesbach School http://griesbach.epsb.ca EJ
Malcolm Tweddle School http://malcolmtweddle.epsb.ca E
Malmo School http://malmo.epsb.ca E
Mary Butterworth School http://marybutterworth.net J
Mayfield School http://mayfield.epsb.ca E
McArthur School http://mcarthur.epsb.ca E
McKee School NA E
McKernan School http://mckernan.epsb.ca EJ
McLeod School http://mcleod.epsb.ca E
McNally School http://mcnallyhigh.com S
Meadowlark Christian School http://k-9christian.com EJ
Meadowlark School http://meadowlark.epsb.ca E
Mee-Yah-Noh School http://meeyahnoh.epsb.ca E
Menisa School http://menisa.epsb.ca E
Metro Continuing Education http://metrocontinuingeducation.ca S
Meyokumin School http://meyokumin.epsb.ca E
Meyonohk School http://meyonohk.epsb.ca E
Michael A Kostek Elementary School http://makostek.epsb.net E
Michael Phair School http://michaelphair.epsb.ca J
Michael Strembitsky School NA EJS
Mill Creek School http://millcreek@epsb.ca E
Millwoods Christian School http://mcs.epsb.ca EJS
Minchau School http://minchau.epsb.ca E
Mount Pleasant School http://mountpleasant.epsb.ca E
Nellie Carlson School NA EJ
Northmount School http://northmount.epsb.ca E
Norwood School http://norwood.epsb.ca E
Old Scona School http://oldscona.epsb.ca S
Oliver School http://oliver.epsb.ca EJ
Ormsby School http://ormsby.epsb.ca E
Ottewell School http://ottewell.epsb.ca J
Out-of-District Program NA Other
Overlanders School http://overlanders.epsb.ca E
Parkallen School http://parkallen.epsb.ca E
Parkview School http://parkview.epsb.ca EJ
Patricia Heights School http://patheights.epsb.ca E
Pollard Meadows School http://pollardmeadows.epsb.ca E
Prince Charles School http://princecharles.epsb.ca E
Princeton School http://princeton.epsb.ca EJ
Queen Alexandra School http://queenalexandra.epsb.ca E
Queen Elizabeth School http://queene.epsb.ca SJ
Richard Secord School http://rsecord.epsb.ca E
Rideau Park School http://rideaupark.epsb.ca E
Rio Terrace Elementary School http://rioterrace.epsb.ca E
Riverbend School http://riverbend.epsb.ca J
Riverdale School http://riverdale.epsb.ca E
Roberta MacAdams School NA E
Rosecrest School NA EJS
Ross Sheppard School http://shep.epsb.ca S
Rosslyn School http://rosslyn.epsb.ca J
Rutherford School http://rutherford.epsb.ca E
S Bruce Smith School http://sbs.epsb.ca J
Sakaw School http://sakaw.epsb.ca E
Satoo School http://satoo.epsb.ca E
Scott Robertson School http://scottrobertson@epsb.ca E
Shauna May Seneca School http://shaunamayseneca.epsb.ca EJ
Sifton School http://sifton.epsb.ca E
Soraya Hafez School http://sorayahafez.epsb.ca E
Spruce Avenue School NA J
Steele Heights School http://steeleheights.epsb.ca J
Steinhauer School http://steinhauer.epsb.ca E
Stratford Elementary/Junior High School http://stratford.epsb.ca EJS
Strathcona School http://strathconaschool.ca S
Svend Hansen School http://svendhansen.epsb.ca EJ
Sweet Grass School http://sweetgrass.epsb.ca E
T D Baker School http://tdbaker.epsb.ca J
Talmud Torah School http://talmudtorahsociety.com E
Tevie Miller Heritage School Program http://teviemillerheritage.epsb.ca E
The Academy at King Edward http://kingedward.epsb.ca EJS
Thelma Chalifoux School http://thelmachalifoux.epsb.ca J
Thorncliffe School http://thorncliffe.epsb.ca E
Tipaskan School http://tipaskan.epsb.ca E
Transitions at the Y http://outreach.epsb.ca SJ
Velma E. Baker School NA E
Vernon Barford School http://vbarford.epsb.ca J
Victoria School http://victoria-school.ca EJS
Vimy Ridge http://vimyridge.epsb.ca SJ
Virginia Park School http://mountroyalvirginiapark.epsb.ca E
Vista Virtual School North http://www.vvschool.ca Other
W P Wagner School http://wpwagner.epsb.ca S
Waverley School http://waverley.epsb.ca E
Weinlos School http://weinlos.epsb.ca E
Westbrook School http://westbrook.epsb.ca E
Westglen School http://westglen.epsb.ca E
Westminster School http://westminster.epsb.ca J
Westmount School http://westmountschool.ca J
Windsor Park School http://altadel.com/windsorparkschool E
Winterburn School http://winterburn.epsb.ca E
York School http://york.epsb.net E
Youngstown School http://youngstown.epsb.ca E
Youth Community Support Program http://asd.epsb.ca Other

E = Elementary (Grades 1 to 6) J = Junior High School (Grades 7 to 9) S = Senior High School (Grades 10 to 12)

The Francophone School Board

The City of Edmonton has a large number of French-speaking residents (~7% French plus English speakers). The Francophone board strives to promote bilingualism and to preserve and cultivate Franco-Albertan culture. In addition to overseeing the education of Franco-Albertan students, the Francophone board also provides support for French immersion programs and works to promote cross-cultural understanding. 

In Edmonton, The East Central Francophone Education Region and The Greater North Central Francophone Education Region authority oversee about 20 schools.

School NameSchool WebsiteTeaches
Centre francophone d'education a distance http://www.cfed.ca SJ
Ecole Maurice-Lavallee http://www.ml.centrenord.ab.ca S
Ecole Notre-Dame http://www.nd.centrenord.ab.ca E
Ecole Pere-Lacombe http://www.pl.centrenord.ab.ca E
Ecole Publique Gabrielle-Roy http://www.centrenord.ab.ca E
Ecole Ste-Jeanne-d'Arc http://www.ja.centrenord.ab.ca E
École A la Découverte NA E
École Joseph-Moreau NA J
École Michaëlle-Jean http://www.mj.centrenord.ab.ca SJ

The Separate (Catholic) school board

Separate school boards are administered by Catholic organizations, and they offer Catholic education to students. In addition to the regular Alberta curriculum, separate schools also teach religious education classes. For many parents, choosing a separate school board is a way to ensure that their children receive a well-rounded education that includes religious instruction. However, it is important to note that students of all faiths are welcome at separate schools, and non-Catholic students do not have to participate in religious education classes if they do not wish to do so.

In Edmonton, there are 105 Separate (Catholic) schools managed by The Edmonton Catholic Separate School Division, The East Central Alberta Catholic Separate School Division and The Christ the Redeemer Catholic Separate School Division.

A list of Separate (Catholic) Schools in Edmonton

School NameSchool WebsiteTeaches
Alberta Health Services Intensive Day Treatment Youth Program https://www.ecsd.net/8412/page/12099/alberta-healt SJ
Alternative Education http://ae.ecsd.net/ S
Anne Fitzgerald Catholic Elementary School http://www.annefitzgerald.ecsd.net E
Annunciation Catholic Elementary School http://www.annunciation.ecsd.net E
Archbishop Joseph MacNeil Catholic Elementary/Junior High School http://www.archbishopjosephmacneil.ecsd.net EJ
Archbishop MacDonald Catholic High School http://www.archbishopmacdonald.ecsd.net S
Archbishop OLeary Catholic High School http://www.archbishopoleary.ecsd.net S
Austin OBrien Catholic High School http://www.austinobrien.ecsd.net S
Ben Calf Robe - St. Clare Catholic Elementary/Junior High School http://www.bencalfrobe.ecsd.net EJ
Bishop David Motiuk Catholic Elementary/Junior High School http://www.bishopdavidmotiuk.ecsd.net EJ
Bishop Greschuk Catholic Elementary School http://www.bishopgreschuk.ecsd.net E
Bishop Savaryn Catholic Elementary School http://www.bishopsavaryn.ecsd.net E
Cardinal Collins Catholic Academic Centre - City Centre https://www.ecsd.net/8412/page/1846/cardinal-colli S
Cardinal Collins Catholic Academic Centre - Clareview https://www.ecsd.net/8412/page/1846/cardinal-colli SJ
Cardinal Collins Catholic Academic Centre - Mill Woods https://www.ecsd.net/8412/page/1846/cardinal-colli S
Cardinal Collins Catholic Academic Centre - Westmount https://www.ecsd.net/8412/page/1846/cardinal-colli SJ
Cardinal Leger Catholic Junior High School http://www.cardinalleger.ecsd.net J
Christ the King Catholic Elementary/Junior High School http://www.christtheking.ecsd.net EJ
Corpus Christi Catholic Elementary/Junior High School http://www.corpuschristi.ecsd.net EJ
Divine Mercy Catholic Elementary School http://divinemercy.ecsd.net E
Father Leo Green Catholic Elementary School http://www.fatherleogreen.ecsd.net E
Father Michael Mireau Catholic Elementary/Junior High School http://www.fathermichaelmireau.ecsd.net EJ
Father Michael Troy Catholic Junior High School http://www.fathermichaeltroy.ecsd.net J
Frere Antoine Catholic Elementary School http://www.frereantoine.ecsd.net E
Genesis Catholic Online Elementary/Junior High School https://www.ecsd.net/1566 EJ
Good Shepherd Catholic Elementary School http://www.goodshepherd.ecsd.net E
H. E. Beriault Catholic Junior High School http://www.heberiault.ecsd.net J
Holy Child Catholic Elementary School https://www.ecsd.net/8202 E
Holy Cross Catholic Elementary/Junior High School http://www.holycross.ecsd.net EJ
Holy Family Catholic Elementary/Junior High School http://www.holyfamily.ecsd.net EJ
Holy Trinity Catholic High School http://www.holytrinity.ecsd.net S
J. H. Picard Catholic Elementary/Junior/Senior High School http://www.jhpicard.ecsd.net EJS
J. J. Bowlen Catholic Junior High School http://www.jjbowlen.ecsd.net J
Joan Carr Catholic Elementary/Junior High School https://www.ecsd.net/2435 Other
John Paul I http://www.johnpauli.ecsd.net E
Katherine Therrien http://www.Katherinetherrien.ecsd.net E
Louis St. Laurent http://www.ecsd.net SJ
Mary Hanley http://www.maryhanley.ecsd.net E
Monsignor Fee Otterson Catholic Elementary/Junior High School http://www.monsignorfeeotterson.ecsd.net EJ
Monsignor William Irwin Catholic Elementary School http://www.monsignorwilliamirwin.ecsd.net E
Mother Margaret Mary Catholic High School http://mothermargaretmary.ecsd.net S
Newman Theological College NA Other
Our Lady of Mount Carmel http://www.ourladyofmountcarmel.ecsd.net EJ
Our Lady of Peace http://www.ourladyofpeace.ecsd.net E
Our Lady of The Prairies http://www.8058web.ecsd.net E
Our Lady of Victories http://www.ourladyofvictories.ecsd.net E
Revelation On-Line https://www.ecsd.net/8412/page/15400/revelation-on SJ
Sir John Thompson http://www.sirjohnthompson.ecsd.net J
Sister Annata Brockman Catholic Elementary/Junior High School http://www.sisterannatabrockman.ecsd.net EJ
St. Alphonsus http://www.stalphonsus.ecsd.net EJ
St. Angela http://www.stangela.ecsd.net E
St. Anne http://www.stanne.ecsd.net E
St. Augustine http://www.staugustine.ecsd.net E
St. Basil School http://www.stbasil.ecsd.net EJ
St. Benedict http://www.stbenedict.ecsd.net E
St. Bernadette http://www.stbernadette.ecsd.net E
St. Bonaventure http://www.stbonaventure.ecsd.net E
St. Boniface http://www.stboniface.ecsd.net E
St. Brendan School http://www.stbrendan.ecsd.net EJ
St. Catherine http://www.stcatherine.ecsd.net EJ
St. Cecilia http://www.stcecilia.ecsd.net J
St. Charles http://www.stcharles.ecsd.net E
St. Clement http://www.stclement.ecsd.net EJ
St. Dominic http://www.stdominic.ecsd.net E
St. Edmund http://www.stedmund.ecsd.net EJ
St. Elizabeth http://www.stelizabeth.ecsd.net E
St. Elizabeth Seton http://www.stelizabethseton.ecsd.net EJ
St. Francis of Assisi http://www.stfrancisofassisi.ecsd.net E
St. Francis Xavier http://www.stfrancisxavier.ecsd.net S
St. Gabriel http://www.stgabriel.ecsd.net EJS
St. Gerard http://www.stgerard.ecsd.net E
St. Hilda http://www.sthilda.ecsd.net J
St. Jerome http://www.stjerome.ecsd.net E
St. John Bosco http://www.stjohnbosco.ecsd.net E
St. John XXIII School https://www.ecsd.net/1969 EJ
St. Joseph http://www.stjoseph.ecsd.net S
St. Joseph Catholic Online High School https://www.ecsd.net/8407/page/14977/st-joseph-cat S
St. Justin http://www.stjustin.ecsd.net E
St. Kateri Catholic School https://www.ecsd.net/8238 E
St. Leo http://www.stleo.ecsd.net E
St. Lucy http://www.stlucy.ecsd.net E
St. Maria Goretti http://www.stmariagoretti.ecsd.net E
St. Mark http://www.stmark.ecsd.net J
St. Martha http://www.stmartha.ecsd.net E
St. Martin http://www.stmartin.ecsd.net E
St. Mary http://www.stmary.ecsd.net E
St. Matthew http://www.stmatthew.ecsd.net E
St. Monica School http://www.stmonica.escd.net Other
St. Nicholas http://www.stnicholas.ecsd.net J
St. Oscar Romero Catholic High School https://www.ecsd.net/schools/1028 S
St. Paul http://www.stpaul.ecsd.net E
St. Philip http://www.stphilip.ecsd.net E
St. Pius X http://www.stpiusx.ecsd.net E
St. Richard http://www.strichard.ecsd.net E
St. Rose http://www.strose.ecsd.net J
St. Stanislaus http://www.ststanislaus.ecsd.net E
St. Teresa http://www.stteresa.ecsd.net E
St. Teresa of Calcutta Elementary School http://stteresaofcalcutta.ecsd.net/ E
St. Thomas Aquinas School http://www.stthomasaquinas.ecsd.net EJ
St. Thomas More Junior High School http://www.stthomasmore.ecsd.net J
St. Timothy http://www.sttimothy.ecsd.net E
St. Vincent http://www.stvincent.ecsdnet E
St. Vladimir Elementary School http://www.stvladimir.ecsd.net E
The Centre for Learning@Home-Edmonton NA Other
Youth Recovery Treatment Program https://www.ecsd.net/8412/page/12099/alberta-healt SJ

The Charter School Board

In Alberta, charter schools are public schools that have been given a degree of autonomy to allow them to innovate and experiment with new educational approaches. Their main purpose is to improve student learning by providing a different educational environment. Charter school boards cannot be associated with any religious faith. Charter school boards are responsible for overseeing the operation of these schools and ensuring that they meet the standards set out in their charter.

Charter school boards are typically composed of parents, teachers, and community members who are passionate about education. They work together to set the direction for the school and make decisions about staffing, budgeting, and curriculum. Charter school boards play an important role in ensuring that charter schools are successful in meeting the needs of their students.

There are 5 schools under the Charter board managed by three different authorities: Aurora School Ltd., Boyle Street Education Centre and Suzuki Charter School Society.

School NameSchool WebsiteTeaches
Aurora Academic Charter Elementary School http://www.auroraschool.ca E
Aurora Academic Charter High School http://www.auroraschool.ca Other
Aurora Academic Charter Middle School http://auroraschool.ca EJ
Boyle Street Education Centre http://www.bsec.ab.ca S
Suzuki Charter School http://www.suzukischool.ca EJ

The ECS (Early Childhood Services) Private Board

ECS include Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten education and are eligible for government funding. There are 24 private ECS schools in Edmonton managed by 19 different school authorities:

School NameSchool WebsiteTeaches
ABC Head Start Society - Millwoods http://abcheadstart.org Other
Aboriginal Head Start - Abbott Site http://www.amiskwaciy.ca Other
Aboriginal Head Start - Belmead Site http://www.amiskwaciy.ca Other
Aboriginal Head Start - St. Francis Site http://www.amiskwaciy.ca Other
Allen Gray Child Development Centre NA Other
CAFA Playschool Family and Early Development Program NA Other
CASA Preschool Day Program http://www.casaservices.org Other
Children's Autism Services of Edmonton http://www.childrensautism.ca Other
Clareview Head Start https://e4calberta.org/education-skill-development Other
Community Preschool Education http://www.communityoptions.ab.ca Other
Connect Society's Early Childhood Services http://www.connectsociety.org Other
Corbett Hall Early Education Program NA Other
Grit Program NA Other
Jasper Place Child Care/ECS Program http://www.jasperplace-cfrc.com Other
Londonderry Child Development Society NA Other
North Campus ABC Program http://abcheadstart.org Other
Norwood Child & Family Resource Centre http://norwoodcentre.com Other
Oliver Centre NA Other
Over the Rainbow Academy http://www.otrainbow.ca Other
Personalized Learning Activities and Community Education NA Other
Southview Child Care http://3650 91 Street NW Other
Student's Union & Community Day Care Centre http://www.sucelc.com Other
West Campus ABC Program http://www.abcheadstart.org Other
Westmount Campus http://www.abcheadstart.org Other

Private Schools in Edmonton

In Alberta, private schools are managed by school boards that are established and operated under the School Act. The school boards are responsible for the governance of the schools, and they work with the Ministry of Education to ensure that the schools comply with all provincial educational guidelines and standards. The school boards also hire and oversee the staff at the schools, and they develop and implement policies and procedures for the schools.

Private schools in Alberta are an important part of the province's educational system, and they provide parents and guardians with another option for their children's schooling.

There are 41 private schools in Edmonton.

A list of Private Schools in Edmonton

School NameSchool WebsiteTeaches
Al Mustafa North Location http://almustafaacademy.ca EJS
Al-Mustafa Academy NA EJS
AlBaqir Academy http://www.albaqiracademy.com EJS
Bright Bank Academy http://www.upcs.org EJ
Canadian Collegiate Institute NA S
Canadian International Private School http://www.cips.school Other
Columbus Academy NA EJS
Commonwealth International Academy http://ciaedu.ca/ Other
Coralwood Adventist Academy http://coralwood.org EJS
Dante Alighieri Italian School NA S
E2 Academy http://www.e2academy.com EJS
Edmonton Academy http://www.edmontonacademy.com EJS
Edmonton Bible Heritage Christian School NA EJ
Edmonton Islamic Academy http://www.islamicacademy.ca EJS
Edmonton Khalsa School http://www.edmkhalsaschool.com E
Elves Adult & Youth Centre http://www.elves-society.org EJS
Elves Child Development Centre http://www.elves-society.org Other
Filipino Language & Cultural School NA EJS
German Language School Society of Edmonton NA S
Gil Vicente School http://www.gilvicenteedmonton.ca S
Gobind Sarvar School http://gobindsarvaredmonton.com Other
Headway School Society of Alberta http://www.headwayschool.org EJS
Hellenic Academia Institute http://www.hellenicacademia.ca SJ
Hellenic-Canadian Community of Edmonton and Region NA J
Holy House of Our Lady and St. Joseph https://gilbertineacademy.com/holy-house-edmonton Other
Inner City High School NA S
Ivan Franko Ukrainian School NA SJ
MAC Islamic School http://www.macislamcischool.com EJ
Meadows Baptist Academy http://www.meadowsbaptist.ca EJ
Nebula Academy http://www.nebulaacademy.ca EJ
Parkland Immanuel Christian School http://www.parklandimmanuel.ca EJS
Phoenix Academy NA SJ
Polish Sienkiewicz School http://www.pshs.ca S
Progressive Academy NA EJS
Russian Education Centre NA S
Solomon College NA S
St. George's Hellenic Language School https://greekorthodoxedmonton.ca/greek-school/ SJ
Tempo School http://www.temposchool.org EJS
The Chinese Cultural Promotion Society NA S
Thomas More Academy NA EJS
Waldorf Independent School of Edmonton http://www.thewise.ca EJ

Islamic Faith Schools in Edmonton

Islamic faith schools have been in operation in Edmonton for many years. These schools provide a quality education to students, while also teaching the Islamic faith. Many parents choose to send their children to these schools because they believe that the values and beliefs of Islam will be instilled in them. In addition to academic studies, Islamic faith schools may offer extracurricular activities such as sports and art classes. This provides parents with the peace of mind that their children are receiving a well-rounded education.

There are 3 Islamic Faith Private Schools in Edmonton

  • MAC Islamic School
  • Edmonton Islamic Academy
  • AlBaqir Academy

Sikh Faith Schools in Edmonton

Sikhs believe that education is a lifelong process, and Sikh faith schools provide an environment where students can explore their religion and culture. These schools typically offer classes on Sikhi (the Sikh religion), history, and Punjabi language. In addition, many Sikh faith schools also offer extracurricular activities such as sports and music. For parents who want their children to receive a well-rounded education, Sikh faith schools are an excellent option.

There are 2 Sikh Faith Private schools in Edmonton

  • Edmonton Khalsa School
  • Headway School Society of Alberta

Greek Heritage School in Edmonton

There are three private Greek Heritage schools in Edmonton. They offer a completely bilingual Greek-English education, which is perfect for students who want to maintain their Greek heritage while living in a predominantly English-speaking country. The schools also have a strong focus on Hellenic culture and history, which is reflected in the curriculum and extra-curricular activities. In addition, the schools offer an excellent education, with small class sizes and highly qualified teachers.

There are 3 Greek Heritage Private Schoold in Edmonton

  • St. George's Hellenic Language School
  • Hellenic-Canadian Community of Edmonton and Region
  • Hellenic Academia Institute

Other School Types

There are also a number of other private schools that cater to the city's diverse population. For example, the Portuguese School (Gil Vicente School) offers instruction in the Portuguese language and culture, while the Chinese school (The Chinese Cultural Promotion Society) provides an immersive experience in Mandarin and Cantonese. Students looking to learn Italian can attend the Dante Alighieri Italian School, while those interested in Ukrainian culture can enroll at Ivan Franko Ukrainian School. If you want your kid to learn German, German Language School Society of Edmonton is an option. Finally, the Russian Education Centre offers a comprehensive education in the Russian language and culture.

  • Dante Alighieri Italian School
  • Ivan Franko Ukrainian School
  • Polish Sienkiewicz School
  • Russian Education Centre
  • The Chinese Cultural Promotion Society
  • Gil Vicente School
  • German Language School Society of Edmonton

Top 50 Rated Schools in Edmonton

According to the Fraser Institute annual 2018-2019 report, here are the top 50 rated schools in Edmonton. The report ranks schools based how they academically compare to other schools. Mount Pleasant and Windsor Park topped the list, with a score of 10 out of 10. Other top-performing schools included Grandview Heights (9.9), Stratford (9.7), and Westbrook (9.2). 

Top 50 ranked schools in Edmonton

Whether you're looking for a public, private, charter, or faith-based school, Edmonton has a wide variety of options to choose from. With so many schools to choose from, it's important to do your research to find the right fit for your child. For more information on Edmonton schools, check out the Edmonton School District website or contact a local school.

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Date Sources: 
Census Profile, 2016 Census, City Edmonton. 
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